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The goal of Sunday school at Southside Baptist Church is to establish strong, biblical foundations from which families may build their lives. In turn, families will develop a faith, that in God’s timing, will lead them into a personal relationship with God and teach them to follow Christ. This will be accomplished by a chronological, Biblical curriculum which focuses on critical moments when the worldview of the family is being formed at each life-stage.


Training teens to love God and grow closer to Him through His Word

Josh and Lindsay Crumpton

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The purposes of our Children’s Ministry are to help children to know God through salvation, to grow spiritually through the teaching of God’s Word, and to show maturity by bearing Christian fruit for the glory of God. This mission is accomplished through our Nursery, Sunday School, and Children’s Church ministries.

Sunday School

Children's Church


The purposes of our Children’s Ministry are to help children to know God through salvation, to grow spiritually through the teaching of God’s Word, and to show maturity by bearing Christian fruit for the glory of God. This mission is accomplished through our Nursery, Sunday School, and Children’s Church ministries.

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